Melanie Jeske, PhD, MS - Sociologist of Science, Medicine, and Technology

I am an Assistant Professor in the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine. Situated at the intersection of sociology of medicine and science and technology studies, my research explores social, political and ethical dimensions of biomedical knowledge systems, emergent biotechnologies, and the experiences of living with chronic illness in the US. My work across these areas has been published in journals including Science, Technology & Human Values, Social Science & Medicine, BioSocieties, Sociology of Health & Illness, Social Studies of Science, PLOS ONE, and Engaging Science, Technology, and Society.
I previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute on the Formation of Knowledge at the University of Chicago. I obtained my PhD in Sociology with distinction at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). I also hold a MS in Science, Technology, and Society from Drexel University. I have extensive experience teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level at University of California, Berkeley, UCSF, the University of Chicago, and Baylor College of Medicine.